What is Filecoin?
Filecoin is a protocol created by Protocol Labs, which aims to provide digital storage and data retrieval for users. The protocol is an open-source peer-to-peer network and uses its own token of the same name to facilitate digital payments.
Users of Filecoin may store their files with storage providers, who are rewarded with Filecoin tokens. There is no price control of storage fees, instead, Filecoin encourages an open market for supply-and-demand-based market price equilibrium. Users and providers of storage use the software infrastructure provided by the Filecoin protocol to simplify usage.

Grant size:
Varies on grant type
California, USA
Filecoin Grants
There are two types of Filecoin Dev Grants which are intended to incentivize the Filecoin community to contribute to the Filecoin protocol and its ecosystem. The grants are defined by three core principles:
- To reward contributions that add value to the Filecoin ecosystem.
- To incentivize more contributors and expand the Filecoin community.
- To support the creation of new products, businesses, and tools which will expand the utility of Filecoin and its ecosystem.
The two types of Filecoin Dev Grants are “Next Step Microgrants”, which are intended to maintain the momentum of new applications built with Filecoin, and “Open Dev Grants”, which are described as an open category for topics not already existing in open RFPs. There are additional instructions for the Open Dev Grants.
Application Process
The submission button for both types of grants redirects to the filecoin-project GitHub where a Markdown file of corresponding requirements is stored and can be edited with the relevant information and then submitted as an ‘issue’.
The Next Step Microgrant Application Markdown file lists the following requirements:
- What is your project? (max 100 words)
- Project links (GitHub repo, demo, website, etc.)
- License – “This grant type is intended to support projects that have a working prototype and wish to take the next steps. MIT, APACHE2, or GPL license for code or [CC-BY-SA 3.0](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmVreNvKsQmQZ83T86cWSjPu2vR3yZHGPm5jnxFuunEB9u) license for content must be applied to the current project and all work funded via this microgrant”
- How is IPFS, Filecoin, or related technology used in this project? (max 100 words)
- How will you improve your project with this grant? What steps will you take to meet this objective? (max 200 words)
- Do you agree to share grant reports upon request, including a final grant report at the end of the three-month period?
- Does your proposal comply with our Community Code of Conduct?
- Links and submissions
- For each team member(s), please list name, email, GitHub account, and role in the project.
- How did you learn about our microgrant program?
- If your project was created as part of an event or hackathon, what was the name of the event? (include a link to hackathon submission)
The Open Dev Grants Application Markdown file lists the following requirements (including personal identification information):
- Open Grant Proposal: ‘Project Title’
- Name of Project
- Proposal Category (`core-dev`, `app-dev`, `devtools-libraries`, `integration-adoption` , `technical-design`, `docs` , `community` , `metaverse` , `research` , `green`)
- Proposer GitHub username
- (Optional) Technical Sponsor
- Do you agree to open source all work you do on behalf of this RFP and dual-license under MIT, APACHE2, or GPL licenses? (yes or no)
- Project Description
- Value
- Deliverables
- Development Roadmap
- Total Budget Requested
- Maintenance and Upgrade Plans
- Team Members
- Team Members LinkedIn profiles
- Team Website
- Relevant Experience
- Team code repositories
- How did you hear about the Open Grants Program?
- Please provide the best email address for discussing the grant agreement and general next steps.
- Please include any additional information that you think would be useful in helping us to evaluate your proposal.
Additional Details
All Filecoin Dev Grants must follow a set of guidelines corresponding to the Markdown templates provided in the applications. However, all projects must generally meet the requirements of being open-source, dual-licensed under MIT and APACHE2 licenses, and teams must be self-managed.
After submission, the applications are read by a member of the Dev Grants team and respond with an approval, rejection, or a request for a change to be made. If approved, further contact will be made to engage in legal and financial details such as funding milestones and a timeline. Generally a response comes within two weeks.
- Last updated November 20, 2022
Other grant programs

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The Lisk Grant Program offers Javascript developers grants of up to 60,000 CHF for building Blockchain Applications with the Lisk SDK. In total, after all, four milestones are reached.